Children are prospective
adults. This fact implies that mankind's future is liable on children 's
well-being. Hence healthy infants that are well-educated will make strong
adults that are hard-working and by extension strong societies.
Therefore infants' dietary
habits are a major concern for sicknesses due to dietary deficiencies are
rampant.We think of rachitis ( that results from vitamin D deficiency),
beriberi( that is a proteins- deficiency illness). Rachitis or
is an ill-nutrition disease that prevails in war-torn
areas and in drought-plagued lands . Folks who feed mostly on cereals without any
other foodstuff such as proteins are candidates to this sickness.
In order to combat these illnesses parents,
nutritionists and decisions-makers should
join their efforts by : -promoting peace in their community instead of
waging wars ones against the others for wars destroy farms and
increase food shortages.
- by implementing solutions that check
desertification .We think of aforestation , proper
irrigation systems, proper wells and water-drills constructions. These
initiatives enhance substantial agriculture that generates an abundant
and a varied foodstuff for households.
-by teaching parents basics about what a
balanced diet entails. A healthy diet involves the combination of proteins
(that are found in beans ,fish, meat, eggs, milk, and so on),of glucids
otherwise called sugar-containing foodstuff, fats or lipids ,fiber-containing produce or cereals ,fruits
for the vitamins and minerals they harbour and safe water.
Bearing such a knowledge in their mind parents are going to set up right family
budgets that match up with their household's needs .
For instance beans and rice or
wheat form a nourishing dish .Hence governments should encourage farmers to
grow these produce through, subsidies, grants , loans and an adequate land
tenure system
In addition decision-makers
should urge food-industries to manufacture beans and they should support them subsequently
through an appropriate taxation system.
Are these commitments upheld
, then “zero stunted children” will be more than a topic ; it is going to be an