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Monday, August 8, 2022

FRENCH L AUTOMNE: DE LA JOIE ET DU BOIS L’ automne tire à sa fin. Il est fastidieux d’allumer du feu de bois. O n joie !Des morceaux de bois enflammés se mettent à bruler depuis les salons des maisons et dans toute la contrée les cheminées crachent des volutes de fumée dans le ciel.Coeurs joyeux par temps malheureux ! Puis , quelqu’un dit :-Et si on s’amusait un peu tout en faisant de la gym ? Un autre répond :-Dehors, c’est non !Il fait froid ! -Ici, à l’intérieur…Regarde les carreaux de la cuisine sont flous , et si on leur donnait un coup de brillance …en utilisant un desinfectant fait-maison, :la cendre là-bas sous la cheminée!? -Laissons –la se refroidir. Puis à l’aide d’un tissu en coton légèrement humide et saupoudré d’une cuillère à soupe de cendre refroidie, frottons délicatement les carreaux de la cuisine et même ceux de la salle de bain. -ça,c’est du nettoyage à sec…mais sans transpiration ! -Au final, pas d’eau , pas de soucis, le chez-moi reste propre ! <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Feyango.nkongo%2Fposts%2F802180819841480&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="447" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

Monday, March 14, 2022

Yellow dyes your hair black !!


 Most often ripe banana are yellow . But sometimes its skin can be green . The difference in nutrients contents between the two is so weak except the fact the yellow species has a slightly higher potassium contents than the green species has .

Taking the yellow skin of a ripe and soft banana, friction it in-between your hands until it gets dark and it becomes a moist paste. Then thoroughly rub it onto your dry hair. Friction restlessly until the paste splits off into smaller pieces. Allow it to rest half an hour Thereafter rinse with abundant chilled water, combing your hair to remove any particle of the paste. Allow to dry in the open air then rub your hair oil Blacker hair than yours can not be seen and how fresher you look !!!!


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A garlic , Abetter night  !!!


Garlic is endowed with many properties . Emphasis here is going to be laid on its medical use, namely as a massage balm . Garlic has some fat-contents . Its oil is a lean oilbut it has a soathing effect on pains and therefore is appropriate for doing relaxation massage . Plus its oil cleanses the skin from scars and pimples . 

Smash down fresh garlic clove in an earthen or a glassy contener,, or onto a grindingstone.

 Then soak the puree that is obtained into some alcohol and sifter it .A whitish liquid is going to come out. Uncover the contener and allow the alcohol to escape.

 What is going to rest down in the bottom of the contener is garlic oil Take some drips of it and massage your tempels , your neck and your feet . You 'll feel relax and your sleep is all the way softer . 

Is the smell of garlic your nightmare ? Hide it with some drips of honey.


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When your hair gets a b-l-o-w  from...a hibiscus !!!

                                                                                             hibiscus flower max                                       Your hair is still natural and it is a nightmare when you comb itYet you drool over those hairstyles that are trendy .Don'r worry ! You can rely on hibiscus !! It can be used on natural hair as a moisturizer or as a relaxing haircream .Pounding two handful of hibiscuses in mortar or grinding them on a grinding stone and you obtain a sliding paste

Divide your hair into eight parts and rub each part with some coat of this sliding paste Pink And White Hibiscus Flower In Garden Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty  Free Image. Image 16289798.Fichier gratuit vecteur Free Hibiscus Flower Pattern | Télécharger  maintenant!

.Allow to dry up for an   hour . then rinse with tepid water and dry up your hair with a dry towel. Finally rub your hair with  a mint-based oil and massage your hairskin .By then you will notice how easier it is to comb it and to style it at will .

 The moisturizing effect  lasts 10 days and your hair looks blacker,softer , shinier and more beautiful !!!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

YOUR    FEET   ARE  WORTH    A   GYPSUM    !!!!

gypsum and different types - vornacoGypsum Mineral | Uses and Properties

You feel you aren't just  fit for wearing sandals ?......or 

The skin of your feet is darker than elsewhere on your body ?

Some pedicure is urgent  .It only takes 15min to perform it .and the result is straight forward !

 A cube of gypsum dissolved into 4 tablespoon of tepid water gives out a paste Spread this paste on each of your feet beginning from the knee downward to the toes.

 Allow to dry up for 3 min.Then with a moist cotton-made clothremove the paste , doing it in smallcircles .. Rinse with tepid water and rub your feet with a fatty oil  or with honey .

Air your feet for 10  min .And finally spread a coat of talc allover your feet. No other feet can match yours !!!


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 L′Argile Blanche Prix de kaolin de haute qualité - Chine Le kaolin, de  l′argile de kaolin

The skin of your face is sensitive ...

or the kit of your make-up is getting useless ...

Yet you must be perfect for the occasion at hand ! 


The clay is the good solution: take a pink piece of clay for a dark complexion  and for a light complexion take a white piece of  clay. It is going to be of the size of  a cube of sugar.

Scratch it on a grater or with a knife and collect its powder;Use  it onto your moist face as a talc, avoiding the zone of the eyes.Allow to sink for 10 min.Then add a second coat of this powder  , only to the T-zone of your face ( allover your forehead and right downward to the peak of your nose ) and onto your chin. You've laid the right foundation for a successful make-up.

 With  an eyeliner trace out  your eyelashes and your eyebrows and use a lipsglow onto the middle part of your lower lip. It isn't a dream : You're a wonder !!! 

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Monday, March 7, 2022

15 MINUTES TO SHIFT OFF PIMPLES Feuilles de moringa comestibles image libre de droit par bdspn74 © #18620425


Ouch , those ugly pimples are here again ...!!

 and your dream to look sexy in your swimming suit has vanished off ... unless   ,yes unless ... you remember your moringa-based  beauty tips :

 a plenty handful of moringa leaves that is pounded into  a mortar or ground onto a grinding stone, produces a green liquid. After siftering it , the resulting green juice  is to be spread out all over the pimpled  skin part   .Allow to dry up for 15 minutes Then wash the skin with a tepid water  . Rub your body milk or oil : You're so cute !!


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               Lime - Safeway         GREEN  LIME SHAVES YOU RIGHT


You are planning to go out with fiends . But your legs  and arms are dark- hairy .

 You need to do some shaving . Quick , get the juice from a green lime . Spreading it out   over your limbs . 

Allow to dry up for five minutes . Then using  a blade,  shave your skin hair which has been stiffened  by the lime juice . The shaving exercise becomes so easier .

 Your skin comes out smooth and shiny .Plus there are no cuts , no pimples : You 're just trendy


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What's in a Name? The Avocado Story : NPRAVOCADO : BEAUTY   .... IN GREEN  FLESH 

 You want to look     fresher 

You want to look    younger 

Why the ache of extracting oil from it ?

You better save your time and energy ,

With this avocado-based therapy : A half of a pear or avocado that is smashed  in a bowl 

yields  a puree. spreading  out the puree all over your dry body  and allowing it to dry up for half an 

hour makes you feel relaxed. Then with a cotton -made cloth  sweep off any particle  of the puree from 

your body . With your dry hands  gently  massage  your skin  in small circles    . You 

are equalizing the glowing over your skin .This exercise takes ten minuites. You can then face the mirror : you 're just beautiful!!!


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