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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media make up the highest demand for translation and interpretation skills. Yet trouble might arise on the way as far as mixing up the sounds and the pictures can be difficult. A way to solve this problem is to resort to the phonetic alphabet . Let the following example : In a movie scene the phrase “ the fall, fun and firewood” is uttered and is to be translated into French .Counting the sound in the original language gives “6”In French it gives the phrase”l’automne, joie et du bois” , that makes “6”sounds as well. But in this case interpretation has overpassed translation for the word “fun” is translated”joie” instead of “rire”and the word”firewood” is translated”bois” instead of “bois de chauffage” for French-speaking people easily understand that during the fall wood is used for heating up houses. Hence subtitling is a matter of sounds equalization

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