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Monday, December 2, 2024

THE RIGHT HEAT FOR ITCHING FEET It’s cold. And the more ever so as snow is piling up in front of the houses .Indoors wood fire heats up people and they have their feet clothed with heavy socks. Someone says:-My feet are itching me. I’ve been putting up with this trouble for a couple of days. Another one replies to that one:(-You’d better do some feet massage with paprika-based oil. -That’s pepper!! -Yes, have 3 or 4 paprika stewed in a teacup of hot olive or almond oil and allow them to infuse until the oil completely cools down. Meanwhile in a cross-legged position ,wash your feet with a brush in a 32° C salty water for 5 minutes. Dry them off with a towel. Then with the tips of 2 of your fingers pick up some oil and start rubbing energically your underfoot. Rub from the middle right to each of your toes and from the middle right to your ankle. Pull at each of your toes until their clicking. Press your ankle to let the oil sink in. This exercise can be repeated for 10 minutes. Do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands once you’re through French :UN CHAUD QUI CHANGE POUR LES PIEDS QUI DEMANGENT Il fait froid .Cela le sera d'autant plus que la neige ne cesse de s'accumuler devant les maisons. Dans les logis du de bois réchauffe les gens dont les pieds sont enveloppés dans les chaussettes. Quelqu'un dit: -Ms orteils me démangent .Cela fait 2 jours que j'endure cela . Un autre lui répond:-Tu ferais mieux de te faire n massage de pieds avec de l'huile essentielle de paprika -C'est du piment!! -Oui! fais mijoter 3ou4 paprika dans une tasse d'huile neutre (olive ou amande douce) et laisse macérer jusqu'au refroidissement de l'huile. Pendant ce temps , assis les jambes croisées, se laver les pieds pendant 5 minutes dans de l'eau chaude à 32°C en utilisant une brosse .Les sécher avec une serviette. Puis avec le bout de 2 de tes doigts , prélever un peu d'huile et en frotter vigoureusement sur la plante de tes pies en en partant du milieu vers chacune de tes orteils et du milieu jusqu'au x chevilles . Etirer les orteils jusqu'à leur claquement .Presser les chevilles pour faire pénétrer l'huile . Ceci est un exercice à répéter pendant 10 minutes ...et comme tu tue sentiras bien après. Surtout ne pas oublier de bien te laver les mains . head > meta https://search.google.com/search-console/index/validation?resource_id=sc-domain%3Aonlinebuzzy.blogspot.com&item_key=CAMYFyAC&hl=fr&sharing_key=pjq9KBxoDxtm1ixwWwZOOA /image?id=1fupio4xM…&options=w800(themes.googleusercontent.com)

Friday, November 29, 2024

Friday, November 22, 2024

google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

clara: onlinebuzzy: SUBTITILING CHALLENGES LHE T...

clara: onlinebuzzy: google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE T...: onlinebuzzy: SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media ma... : SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media make up the highest dem... head > meta


onlinebuzzy: google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media ma...: SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media make up the highest demand for translation and interpretation skills. Yet trouble might ari...
SUBTITILING CHALLENGES THE TIME Media make up the highest demand for translation and interpretation skills. Yet trouble might arise on the way as far as mixing up the sounds and the pictures can be difficult. A way to solve this problem is to resort to the phonetic alphabet . Let the following example : In a movie scene the phrase “ the fall, fun and firewood” is uttered and is to be translated into French .Counting the sound in the original language gives “6”In French it gives the phrase”l’automne, joie et du bois” , that makes “6”sounds as well. But in this case interpretation has overpassed translation for the word “fun” is translated”joie” instead of “rire”and the word”firewood” is translated”bois” instead of “bois de chauffage” for French-speaking people easily understand that during the fall wood is used for heating up houses. Hence subtitling is a matter of sounds equalization
THE FALL… FUN & FIREWOOD The fall is drawing near to its end .Setting fire on woodlogs may be tedious .O joy! From inside parlors brazed firewood are starting burning and all around the countryside chimneys are spitting cloud-like smoke into the sky . Joyous hearts despite the furious weather! Then someone says: -What about doing some exercise and having fun at the same time? Someone else replies:-Outdoors, No! It's cold: -Indoors. Look ,the tiles of the kitchen look blurred! Let's give them a shine...using a homemade cleaner... the ashes over-there under the chimney! -Allow them to cool off !Then with a moist cotton tissue sprinkled with a teaspoon of the cooled ashes, gently rub the tiles of the kitchen and even those of the bathroom. -That’s a dry cleaning exercise! But with no sweating! -So no water , no worries, our home still looks tidy! /image?id=1fupio4xM…&options=w800(themes.googleusercontent.com) google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 FRENCH L AUTOMNE: DE LA JOIE ET DU BOIS L’ automne tire à sa fin. Il est fastidieux d’allumer du feu de bois. O n joie !Des morceaux de bois enflammés se mettent à bruler depuis les salons des maisons et dans toute la contrée les cheminées crachent des volutes de fumée dans le ciel.Coeurs joyeux par temps malheureux ! Puis , quelqu’un dit :-Et si on s’amusait un peu tout en faisant de la gym ? Un autre répond :-Dehors, c’est non !Il fait froid ! -Ici, à l’intérieur…Regarde les carreaux de la cuisine sont flous , et si on leur donnait un coup de brillance …en utilisant un desinfectant fait-maison, :la cendre là-bas sous la cheminée!? -Laissons –la se refroidir. Puis à l’aide d’un tissu en coton légèrement humide et saupoudré d’une cuillère à soupe de cendre refroidie, frottons délicatement les carreaux de la cuisine et même ceux de la salle de bain. -ça,c’est du nettoyage à sec…mais sans transpiration ! -Au final, pas d’eau , pas de soucis, le chez-moi reste propre !

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

 “Time is Money” :_Translators address The Wordcount Challenge

With the advent of softwares the work of translators has never been so easy. Yet their ache remains in grasping the mindset ot the authors’ texts  which h is, most of time  culture-oriented .

Let the following example : Translating the English saying “Time is money” into  French :”Le temps ,c’est l’argent”

 This saying reflect the “into-the –haste “ mental attitude of our modern society, where slowliness and repetition are a waste of time.”

Remark 1): The number of French words is twice the number of English words for we well recall ourselves that French is a Latine-based language whereas English  belongs to the Germanic  language group. Then French texts are usually lengthier   than English texts. The alert translator makes sure this cultural aspect transpire in his or her work

Let the ongoing 2nd  example : Translating from French into English this ad ” Avec X, Réussir , c’est bien choisir”   Solution : “X,Choosing  is Achieving”(a) or

                                                                                         “X,I choose ,I achieve!”(b)

Remark 2): Adtexts might not follow the above mentioned rule. Here the nature of the target population  weighs heavily on the translated text more than the spirit of the original text.

Referring to the 2nd example, many people opt for the “b” for its wording more enhances the advertised product .

Generally  speaking French texts are 30% lengthier than English texts, in other words for a 10-word English text , we shall have a 13 or 14-word French text. The rule also applies the other way  around. Doing such an accounting exercise  and meeting the deadlines is  challenging  indeed.



google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, September 2, 2024


In the ckourse opf their  editing work publishing houses enable  authors to review their  previous workd, to elaborate on new ideas and to bring in  any other change whether in the text's layout or in the text's matter. Hence the calling :"The 1st Edition ,the2nd Edition...
On the other side proofreaders enable authors to make sure the text they wrote is the right match to the idea in their mind.In case of a failure proofreaders may bring in  authorized changes prior to any translation work.
Then what is the challenge all about? 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Let the following EN to FR translation exercise  : Match the phrases here under  with arrows

" the  living god "           "le dieu de la vie"

"the god of life"               " le dieu vivant"

Solution :...

The shrewd translator is accuracy-conscious

Firstly reading the whole text in order to grasp the mind of their author enables the translator to determine the nature of the text and the appropriate words for the translation work.

Secondly considering the author's backgroud as well as the background of  his or her readership guides the careful translator in his choices of words,of the speech levels and so on.  This assessment might entail contacts between the author and the translator for explanatory notes  and the re-writing of the original text eventually.