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Monday, September 2, 2024


In the ckourse opf their  editing work publishing houses enable  authors to review their  previous workd, to elaborate on new ideas and to bring in  any other change whether in the text's layout or in the text's matter. Hence the calling :"The 1st Edition ,the2nd Edition...
On the other side proofreaders enable authors to make sure the text they wrote is the right match to the idea in their mind.In case of a failure proofreaders may bring in  authorized changes prior to any translation work.
Then what is the challenge all about? 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Let the following EN to FR translation exercise  : Match the phrases here under  with arrows

" the  living god "           "le dieu de la vie"

"the god of life"               " le dieu vivant"

Solution :...

The shrewd translator is accuracy-conscious

Firstly reading the whole text in order to grasp the mind of their author enables the translator to determine the nature of the text and the appropriate words for the translation work.

Secondly considering the author's backgroud as well as the background of  his or her readership guides the careful translator in his choices of words,of the speech levels and so on.  This assessment might entail contacts between the author and the translator for explanatory notes  and the re-writing of the original text eventually.

Monday, August 12, 2024

RE7SHUFFLING  IN THE  JOBMARKET_ how translation  makes it possible

With the world as a global village , many phenomena are cross-bordering their milieu.In the past hypermarkets and were the only ones to expand their activities in other countries but since then things have changed a lot

Such an expansion demands very good communication abilities among partners, teams and colleagues, thus a mastery of..language whence the precedence of translation and interpretation skills
Translation companies are good examples of currently  expanding companies For many years their names  were  only  synonymous to ads  especially in low-purchasing-power areas  yet nowadays   they have become parts of the environment.
The advent   of  technological aids in the field of translation a close  collaboration between certified translators and freelance translators possible for the machines enhance their productivity and soften the competition  in-between them.

Additionnally companies do not need an in-house  translation desk  for they  can partnership with translation companies , thus reducing r salaries  to pay and making savings .

Yet the   easy  accessibility to technology  enables profit-oriented companies to manage  their own translation works  , thus leaving professional translators jobless .
The jobmarket  has indeed changed !!!

Thursday, August 8, 2024


onlinebuzzy: WHEN TRANSLATION TURN S TO BE  A  STRUGGLE _Effici...: WHEN TRANSLATION TURN S TO BE  A  STRUGGLE  _Efficiency Vs Productivity In today growing-fast society where delays are illicit, swiftness at...


_Efficiency Vs Productivity

In today growing-fast society where delays are illicit, swiftness at all costs is the order of the day.
On the other hand accuracy stasnds as benchmark in every aspects of our ultra-modern society
The last reeason but not the least ,making money has become a hassle and it is not a mere basic need anymore.

Inside such a framework translation has become a very highly demanding task. In other words how can one manage to make a living despite the background of :
dynamic technlogy 
and ovewhelming  jobmarket's constraints?

The advent of saving-time -and -energy softwares  as aids in the field of translation just alleviate the issue for their limits are numerous.
Taking the following instance: a french-speaking company aims at reaching out an english-soeaking market.It advertises a product of hers in this way :"Avec X(that is , the product) repousse tes limites"
An attemptive english translation states ; "With X push your limits"

REMARKS: The attemptive english transltion is   an  improper word-by-word  translation for  the word " limites" in French means "limits" as far as quantities are concerned . But as far as abilities or ideas are concerned it rather means "limitations"

Secondly lhe french word" repousse" is a verh that means " to push " as regards to physicaél efforts but as regards to ideas and situations it rather menas "to check" or " to stop "

thirdly the spirit behind the ad emphasizes on the product and its impact , not on the person therefore  the lranslator has the freedom to overlook the personal pronouns and to focus on the objects . He or she may attempt the  following sentences : " With X, my limitations ... Who cares?"  or " X ... checking  your limitations"

The abovetatements examplify how difficult it is to join the mechanical translation that is faster and the pen-translation that is moreaccurate  .And this struggle is far from being over..

Monday, August 8, 2022

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Monday, March 14, 2022

Yellow dyes your hair black !!


 Most often ripe banana are yellow . But sometimes its skin can be green . The difference in nutrients contents between the two is so weak except the fact the yellow species has a slightly higher potassium contents than the green species has .

Taking the yellow skin of a ripe and soft banana, friction it in-between your hands until it gets dark and it becomes a moist paste. Then thoroughly rub it onto your dry hair. Friction restlessly until the paste splits off into smaller pieces. Allow it to rest half an hour Thereafter rinse with abundant chilled water, combing your hair to remove any particle of the paste. Allow to dry in the open air then rub your hair oil Blacker hair than yours can not be seen and how fresher you look !!!!


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