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Wednesday, May 16, 2012



Sport is also called physical exercises  In other words sport entails all the movements of our body done within a relatively short time period  There are outdoor sports and indoor sports There are also individual sports and group sports But there is  kind of sport which combines exercise , fun relaxation and softness.  I  am talking about  bodystretchings.
 Bodystretchings  fit everybody, every shapes  It doesn"t require any experience What is needed is only detelmination and self -discipline
There are many bodystretchings with their peculiar merits :
  • Someone can choose to stretch his body when he gets up  : while on bed join your fingers above your head and pull them out At the same time push your chest upwards and pull out your ankles Your bones shall make some aweful noise Don't worry about that . it is a signal that your body is resady to tackle a new day .Then strongly kick the air with one leg ,  then the other Do this to 'loosen''stiff knees These exercises are similar to what animals like cats , dogs and hens do every morning . In a sense  Nature prouChat Abyssin qui s'étiredly recommend early morning bodystretchings
  •  Another person will opt for stretchings  during aerobics : stand up  straight with a  stick in your lifted arms  and your legs opened Then swing your chest in a left -right direction for a minute or two so as to form a curve between each side of your hips and your head . Don't loose your equilibrium This excercise makes your waist slim  , it strengthens your legs and  enhances the work of the intestines hence it acts as a break to constipation
  • Still other folk may decide to sit up with the legs widely opened in a 90° angle ( a wide V) Then he turns his back for a minute ; he does the same with his neck . Still in  a 90° angle position he bends his chest forwards and holds his toes with his hands Thus while the chest is pulled out , the legs too are stretched out and the arms as well .Finally it is the entire body that is been stretched out 
  •  The advantages of this particular excercise are that the inside muscles of the tights are strenghthened and hardened ; u then can be cuter bn trousers and short skirts Thanks to this exercise your arms too are strengthened  thus u can fit in sleeveless clothigs ; u will gain in self -confidence and happiness
  • There are many other stretchings u can do apart from the foregone Whatever the case allocate at least 10 minutes to the stretchings and couple them with jogging or rope-jumping  . Bodystretchibngs make u alert and enable u to feel more comfortable with trendy clothings
 The saying of the day : ''The last one to laugh is the happier ''google.com, pub-4895474601339690, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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