Pondering over serious matters like those stated above is stressing and is physically demanding .Long hours spent in a sitten position affect the back , hurt the waiste, harm the back of the neck and make someone feels stiff .In order to correct this situation it is adviced to do some physical exercise or sport
Everybody does movements .T he difference between the movements we normally do and sport is based on the time we spend to perform that move , that is, how fast we walk usually and how fast we walk during sport. .The important thing is that the time we spend to do a move during the exercise should be shorter than the usual time .In other words the effort we make during sport should be more intensive than the usual effort .For example; if normally it takes u one minute to climb up a stair fo ten steps then it shouild take u at least half of that time during sport .
It is always important to drink water before doing sport or just after This will make up for the losses in water through perspiration and will suply your body with the oxygen vital to a good blood circulation
The advantages of sport can never be overemphasized : stress release, a good heart condition, a preventive measure to bone-related disesases , a weight control , a break to aging and....an entertainment..Once again GO FOR SPORT !
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