" Two mates into ...'' Were u asked to complete the above sentence what will u do ? Notice that the variations in the pronunciation may be very helpful .Then two mates into .... can be rewritten TO- MAT- TO Oh Yes ! the correct answer to the question is : two mates into tomato .Most food specialists classify tomato into the vegetables family .There are many kinds of tomato ; some are orange in coloiur ,others look like olives, still others look like cherries . but their common caracteristics are : a high water -contain ,vitamins A, C ,minerals and poor fats- contain.
The merits of this beverage (tomato juice) are among others the fact that it is highly vitanined and suitable to everybody in the family .Children can take a cup of this drink at their breakfast or in the afteronoon for it supplies them with the energy they need to play .Teenagers and adults on diet can drink of it at lunch in order to feel full and to take in less food Then they willl escape the headache and other ill-confort that are related to weightlosing diets But if u are not on diet and u drink it be assure of gaining weight.
There is another drink that can be produced with tomato : u can mix mashed tomatoes with a tonic soft drink the resulting beverage is a solution to anemia thanks to its high contain in vigtamin C
Apart from improving folk 's health tomato is a beauty tool .Because of tits ability to withstand insulation wrinkles hardly furrow its skin; so wearing a mask of tomato will strengthen the skin of your face aznd your neck and hold back wrinkle sformaztion To obtain a tomato mask : make a puree of tomato in a bowl and squeeze it to remove the water . With your hands spread it oll over your face and your neck .Wait half an hour , the usual timing which the paste dries off at. Then with a lukewarm water wash your face Apply your bodymilk or cream .This mask matches up to many face foundations. It makes u look fresher ,it makes your skin smooth.
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